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Black tea Fusible Lining wheels your whole day cheerfully it will wheel your mind and body too towards more and more good health.To have a cup of tea early morning really keeps 100% and us fresh active. It is one of anti-cancer compounds family called polyphonols. It helps regulate flow of blood. It adheres to the teeth to defend acid. A research result published in Journal of American Heart Association in 2001 found effect of black tea. It found black tea might strength ability of endothelial cells lining blood vessels. There are chemicals in black tea that are equally beneficial to health. Black tea seems to help the body rid itself of potentially harmful lung cells by inducing the process of apoptosis. Lots of research has been done on black teas, the results of which are increasingly pointing towards the health benefits of teas, which we refer to as the black tea or green tea to name a few. It is the tea that is consumed the most all over the world. 

Black tea contains a compound called theaflavin-3-monogallate (TF-2). Black tea appears to cause apoptosis of abnormal lung cells. Black tea also seems to help prevent lung cancer by inhibiting the growth of the abnormal lung cells. Black tea is the cup that cheers the most and hence it delivers the most. It leads cancer cells to "commit suicide" in droves. Apoptosis is the orderly process of cell death. Fluoride Ion combines with calcium in the tooth and become Ne apatite. So, black tea keeps the cells from growing and spreading until the apoptosis can kills the cells off. Cell death due to apoptosis is good, because it is a process of killing off damaged or unneeded cells. Read more in Black Tea Benefit - Fights Cavities. TF-2 fights against colon cancer cells. Black tea has also been shown to be an effective preventer of lung cancer. Black tea contains fluorin element. Read more in Black Tea Benefit - Prevent Cancer. Black tea also contains antioxidants to neutralize harmful effects of natural chemical processes. These two powers help to rid the body of abnormal cells before they can replicate and cause a problem.

. Read more in Black Tea Benefit - Protect Against Heart Disease